Search for “evenhand” on the Sundance Channel website for dates and times.
I’m going to share some more The Gates snapshots with you, but first, here’s an update on our newest project:
The Lost City of New York (now called City of Dreams) is a short film, written and to be directed by yours truly. It will be shot entirely on location in New York City with a small cast of actors that are mostly already known to me. It will be something of a fairy-tale/love-letter to my home town. All in twelve minutes. And believe it or not, in my long career in film production I have never made a short film. I have worked on TV MOWs and features, but never a short. This is a result of my non-traditional film education, I guess. I imagine everyone who goes to film school makes scads of short films. Heaps of them. All I know so far is that this will be quicker, cheaper and way less out of control than a feature. I will also say that I am greatly relieved that it is entirely unrealistic for characters to have “arcs” in eleven minutes. Click on the title above for more information, including actual, but ever-so-brief job opportunities.
I’m also pleased to report that after several months of nail-biting, the Evenhand journal has finally been accepted by NYCBloggers.com, a site that organizes New York City bloggers by their Subway stops. You can find us at the Times Square 42nd Street stop on the A train. I guess I better pick up the navel-gazing pace here on the IND line; one journal entry a month is hardly sufficient to call myself a proper blogger. As regards the Subway, here’s a tip for out-of-towners: we don’t call them the “blue line” or the “red line.” They are the “A and the C” and the “1 train,” etc. Old-timers and cranks also call them by their original abbreviated company names (IND, IRT, BMT), like I did above.
It’s been a few weeks since New York’s Central Park was graced with The Gates by Christo and Jeanne-Claude, but I had to share these photos of them in the snow. Feel free to copy them at will so long as you credit the photographer.

Beside the dump

Just North of the Harlem Meer

Looking towards the Charles A. Dana Discovery Center on the Harlem Meer
Watch the Quicktime movie of a gate unfurling!
Marvel at Phebe’s spontaneously brilliant cinematography!
Listen to Joseph & Alex’s poignant narration!

Artistic close-up
NEW! Interactive wind-driven Gates photo!
Deja vu: Hey, isn’t the EvenHand site supposed to be about cops? What’s with all the so-called art? Okay, fine:

Cops ‘N Gates
* * * * * * * * * *
Don’t forget to visit the EvenHand Store. We offer EvenHand posters, T-shirts and SLPD shoulder patches, as well as the insanely popular “FAT COP” tank top. There is some lively trading going on in the SLPD shoulder patch department, so if you have a police patch you’re interested in trading, please visit the EvenHand store or send an email.
– Joseph Pierson