Bill & Bill at the Alamo (me, too!)
As anticipated in the previous journal entry, EvenHand screened in San Antonio for the first time as a benefit for the 100 Club, the Bexar County Law Enforcement widows and orphans fund. We had two great screenings, lots of cops and plenty of crew. Both of the Bills were in attendance, too, signing posters and postcards for fans of the film. Ann-Lynn Perkins, the 100 Club President, reported that we raised $6,500, including $1000 grossed from T-shirt and poster sales (courtesy of Cypress Films), absolutely all of which went directly to the 100 Club. Thanks to all who came and contributed so generously. If anyone wants to make a further donation to the 100 Club, please send a check to:
P.O. Box 6741
San Antonio, TX 78209
Membership costs $100 and you get a nifty lapel pin, a window sticker for your car and the knowledge that you are contributing to a worthy cause in support of San Antonio’s finest.
[100 Club photos coming soon…]
Fernando Cano and I also returned to the Pig Stand for lunch. The Pig Stand is a great old drive-in restaurant that I passed every day on my way to the production office. I ended up choosing it as a location for the scene in which Morning chases Toby away in handcuffs, a turning point in the film. A still from the scene of Francis and Morning waiting for Toby by the patrol car became the iconic EvenHand image. It’s featured on much of our promotional material, including the poster.
The Pig Burger was just as good as I remembered it and it was nice to see that the EvenHand poster was still prominently featured on the wall.
We also had a terrific screening back in New York to benefit the Historic House Trust of NYC & the Preservation League of NY State on November 6th at the Walter Reade Theater in Lincoln Center. An enthusiastic crowd turned out and enjoyed Dos XX beer and the fine food of Rosa Mexicano. Thanks to Commissioner Benepe, George Beane, The Film Society of Lincoln Center, Therese Braddick and the entire staff of the Historic House Trust for making it a great evening for all.
The Bijou theater screenings in San Antonio on November 10th and 11th were pretty well attended, especially since we did no advertising beyond the word of mouth generated by the SAPD screenings. There may be further San Antonio screenings, so stay tuned. If there are, we will certainly advertise to boost attendance. Fifty percent of the profits from any future San Antonio screenings will also go to benefit the 100 Club.
Other upcoming screenings include:
The Queens Film Festival on November 16, as part of their 9/11 Remembrance
The Santa Fe Film Festival on Saturday, December 6
The Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville, NY on Wednesday, December 3
And remember:
EvenHand will premiere on the Sundance Channel on December 6th — subscribe now and get the best of independent film sent directly to your television!

A sneak peak at the DVD box cover WHERE’S BILL DAWES?
The DVD & video street date is January 2004 thanks to the folks at Arts Alliance America– why not buy a copy for your indie film library?
– Joseph Pierson