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Here’s some more detailed information on the upcoming Munich Film Festival, at which EvenHand will screen:
MUNICH, GERMANY June 26 – July 3
Wednesday, June 30th, 5:45 pm – first screening
Thursday, July 1st, 10 am – press screening
Friday, July 2nd, 8 pm – second screening
Forum at the Deutsches Museum – Cinema 2
Here’s the German synopsis:
Two cops patrol a desolate small town in Texas for the first time. The old game of Good Cop and Bad Cop quickly grinds into the two different characters. While one wants to mediate in the neighborhood conflict, the other gives the Texas cowboy, who first shoots and then asks. And although they only deal with the usual petty crime of white trash, the conflict escalates. Joseph Pierson manages to give the old motif of the cop duo an authentic, almost documentary touch.
Hmmm … I wonder how “White Trashs” translates?
While there will be other EvenHand screenings from time to time (we will be screening at Time & Space Limited in Hudson, New York this fall), it looks like the Munich Film Festival will be the last one.
– Joseph Pierson